Our Partners

Know about the strong network of collaborators that are helping to make this project thrive.

Climate Adaptation Services

Translating climate information into understandable language for local users involves using climate atlases, visualization, and capacity building, with a priority on simplicity and relevance for practical application.


Ghana Meteorological Agency

Established by Act 682 and mandated by Parliament to provide weather and climate services, ensuring adherence to international meteorological standards for Ghana’s socio-economic development.

Global Resilient Cities Network

The world’s leading urban resilience network bringing together global knowledge, practices, partnerships, and funding to empower the cities, to support safer, more equitable, and sustainable urban futures.

Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

In alignment with its mission of training, research, innovation, and entrepreneurship across agriculture, engineering, technology, enterprise development, built environment, health sciences, and social sciences, JKUAT is tasked with spearheading the development of climate services in Kenya.


Meteorological Service Department of Zimbabwe

The national authority on meteorology, climate, and seismology, providing timely, affordable and accessible products and services while safeguarding lives and properties of the country’s citizens.


Specialists in weather monitoring and information systems, research and modeling in meteorology and climatology, with focus on AI-based nowcasting of meteorological phenomena.

Neuralio Artificial Intelligence

Experts in AI & numerical weather prediction, earth system modeling and data assimilation techniques, focusing on developing hyper-local weather intelligence and multi-agent reinforcing learning framework for climate adaptation.


Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

From natural science to social science, from risks to solutions, from identifying Planetary Boundaries to managing Global Commons, PIK is advancing the frontier of integrated research for a safe and just climate future.

Trans-African Hydro-Meteorological Observatory​

TAHMO focuses on the collection of hydro-meteorological data for the provision of climate information services integrating sensor technology and applications.

TU Delft

The oldest, largest, and most comprehensive technical university in the Netherlands, with over 20,000 students and 2,700 scientists, collaborating structurally with international education and research institutes and maintaining partnerships with governments and industries.

University for Development Studies

Public University in Northern Ghana with a Center of Excellence offering graduate studies for students from 27 African countries, training users in weather apps, and providing hybrid short-term forecasts based on local and scientific data.


Volontariato Internazional Per Lo Sviluppo

A non-governmental organization committed to development cooperation and international solidarity, operating in 22 countries worldwide, spanning Africa, the Middle East, Latin America, and Europe.

Wageningen University & Research

SAFE4ALL project coordinator employing a fundamental, practice-oriented scientific approach, facilitated by interdisciplinary collaboration across natural and social sciences.

Weather Impact​

Agro-meteorological experts developing digital tools to support smallholder farmers with actionable insights, with a focus on local sustainability and capacity building.

Zimbabwe Farmers Union

Advocating for farmers’ rights and interests, boosting productivity, and modernizing agriculture to enhance livelihoods, aiming for a resilient and sustainable agricultural sector.


Neuralio Artificial Intelligence

Experts in AI & numerical weather prediction, earth system modeling and data assimilation techniques, focusing on developing hyper-local weather intelligence and multi-agent reinforcing learning framework for climate adaptation.